Wednesday, 11 July 2012

LAP Project

Option 1: 3D model of a time machine- groups of 4 to 5
-  model should fit into a shoebox or on a base of A3-sized paper
- complete with a write-up featuring the different parts and their functions
- class-based oral presentation to showcase their works in Week 7 or 8 (to be confirmed later)
- pupils to use recycled materials as far as possible

Option 2: Brochure- groups of 4 to 5
- theme-based tour package eg. the Olympians, Gladiators (design to tie in with selected theme)
- consisting of the following info: at least 2 itineraries or one place with 2 routes, places of visit, periods of time travelled to / era,
  highlights of trip ie. what is unique about the culture, food, activities, shopping, etc
- include freebies, early bird specials, promotions (selling points of the tour package)
- presented in one A4 paper folded into half, fully illustrated
- class-based oral presentation in Week 7 or 8

All groups must use a logbook (will be given out in class tomorrow) to record their meetings and progress with the projects.